CMH Isuzu East Rand recently held a food collection for the Boksburg SPCA, as part of our Mandela Day Initiative.
Our original goal was to fill the bin of an Isuzu Double Cab, but soon enough we had to transfer everything to an Extended Cab, as the bin of the Double Cab just wasn’t big enough.
We were able to deliver wet and dry dog and cat food, blankets, toys and treats to Maggie Mudd, the manager of the Boksburg SPCA. They were most grateful and gave us a quick tour of their premises.
All the dogs and cats at the SPCA were in good health and well cared for. The kennels were clean and dry, and all the animals had jerseys on to protect from the cold.
Maggie has been working in animal welfare for 30 years and says if people would only sterilize their pets, there would be less strays and abandoned animals. The SPCA assists with sterilization at a reduced price.
If you are interested in adopting any of their animals, the adoption costs are R900 for a dog and R650 for cat. This fee includes sterilization, vaccination and microchipping of the animal.
If you are interested in donating to the SPCA, Maggie says puppy food is the most needed item. They have many puppies with them, and the puppies eat more often than the adult dogs.
CMH Isuzu East Rand will be holding regular collections for the SPCA, so keep your eye on our Facebook page.
A very big thank you must go the staff and management of CMH East Rand for their contributions, our Isuzu Specialists for driving the initiative and also to our customers SRT Electrical Wholesalers, SWS Security and Atall Mining and Cecile Gouws for their contributions to our collection.